Central Comics

Banda Desenhada, Cinema, Animação, TV, Videojogos

A segunda edição do concurso polaco BD e Fado alargou o prazo!

A segunda edição do concurso BD e fado , organizado pelo Leitorado de Poznań do Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua na Adam Mickiewicz University em Poznań e Foundation Institute of Popular Culture de Poznań, teve um prolongamento do prazo de entrega de trabalhos até ao dia 16 de Fevereiro.

Desta feita chama-se “Fado in Boots” (Fado das Botas).

O prémio pelo primeiro lugar subiu este ano aos 250 euros.

O concurso está aberto a todos, e as histórias devem focar-se no fenómeno do fado: a sua história e presente (e porque não, o futuro também!), o seu papel social em mudança, a sua influência noutras áreas da vida, novas leituras e reinterpretações dos mitos do fado, interpretações visuais de histórias contidas nas letras do Fado, representações biográficas dos artistas mais importantes do género, experiências individuais do autor com o fado, etc.,

Fica o convite a todos os autores para se deixarem levar pela sua imaginação e criatividade.

„Śmierć i fadistka” (“A Morte e O Fadista”)

Sendo este um concurso internacional, aqui ficam os regulamentos em inglês:

Rules of the 2nd Comic Book Contest „Fado in boots” 

  • 1
  1. The Contest is organized by Leitorado de Poznań do Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and the Foundation Institute of Popular Culture;
  2. The rules of the Contest are available on the organizers’ websites in Polish and English;
  3. The Contest is open to everyone, and the stories should focus on the phenomenon of the fado music genre: its history and present (and why not, the future too!), its changing social role, its influence upon other areas of life, new readings and reinterpretations of fado myths, visual interpretations of stories contained in selected Fado lyrics, biographical representations of the most important artists of the genre, individual experiences of the author with fado, etc., and so on – get carried away by your imagination and creativity.
  4. Submitted comics may be silent or “spoken” in Polish, Portuguese or English.


  • 2
  1. We accept comic works that are a closed whole or a fragment of a larger whole, with a minimum volume of 4 pages or a multiple of four pages (8, 12 …). The total volume, however, should not exceed 20 pages.
  2. We accept solo stories, in duos or created in larger teams.
  3. Pages should be in vertical format (A5 or a multiple of this format – works will be reduced to A5 anyway).
  4. Following the announcement of the results, the winner (s) will prepare the cover (for the publication of the fanzine story) and send the files in print-quality.
  5. Applications should be sent by February 16, 2024 to the e-mail konkursfado@gmail.com .
  6. The application should include a filled application form attached to the message (Appendix 1 to the Rules), a file with a comic book story (in good quality pdf format as an attachment to the e-mail or shared on disk for download if the file exceeds the maximum size of the e-mail attachment) and a data file identification cards (Appendix 2 to the Rules), which will be opened after the jury finishes their proceedings.


  • 3
  1. The Results of the Contest will be decided by a five-person jury vote. The jury will include representatives of the organizers or memebers indicated by them. The composition of the jury will be announced on the organizers’ website.
  2. The jury, after reviewing all the works submitted for the Contest, will award the first prize.
  3. The first prize is financial and amounts to EUR 250 or its equivalent in PLN (according to the conversion rate on the transfer date). The winning work will be published in the fanzine format that will be released during the Poznań Comic Art Festival 2024.
  4. The jury reserves the right to award distinctions or additional (non-financial) prizes. The distinguished works, with the consent of their authors, will also be eligible to appear in fanzine format during the Poznań Festival of Comic Art 2024.
  5. No additional remuneration is payable for the publication of the winning work and the awarded works.
  6. The organizer does not profit from fanzines.
  7. The organizer reserves the right to publish the works distinguished in the form of an anthology.
  8. The results of the Contest will be announced on the organizers’ websites, and the awarded authors will be informed by e-mail.


  • 4
  1. Participation in the Contest is possible only with prior consent to processing by the Organizer of the participant’s personal data in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and in the matter free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the Act of May 10, 2018 on data protection personal data (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000, as amended).
  2. The administrator of the data indicated in the consent to the processing of personal data is

Fundacja Instytut Kultury Popularnej seated at Geodetów Street 30, 60-447 Poznań, email address: kontakt@fundacja-ikp.pl .

  1. The consent of the Contest participant to the processing of his personal data is voluntary but necessary to be able to take part in the Contest. For the application to be successful in the Contest, it is necessary to sign a statement confirming that you have read this information (it can be found in the file with identifying data).
  2. The purpose of the processing of personal data is the organization and conduct of the 2nd Comic Book Contest „Fado in boots”, including collecting Contest works with the data of their authors, storing this data, making the works available during the jury proceedings, selecting winners, contacting the winners, publishing the winning works along with the name and surname of the author, as well as data processing to compile a Contest summary.
  3. Each of the participants has the right to access the content of their data and theirs rectification, deletion or limitation of processing, as well as the right to object, request

to cease processing and transferring data, as well as the right to withdraw consent in

at any time and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory body, i.e. the President

Office for Personal Data Protection. However, deletion of data will result in loss

contest participant status.

  1. The contest participant may withdraw his consent by contacting the data administrator at the e-mail address kontakt@fundacja-ikp.pl .
  2. Personal data of participants will not be profiled and will not be shared with unauthorized third parties.
  3. The data controller has no intention of transferring personal data to a third country or an international organization.


  • 5
  1. Sending works for the Contest sake equals awarding to the organizer

free and non-exclusive license to use the submitted Contest works in the form of a printed fanzine, which will be released during PFSzK Poznań.

  1. Submitting works for Contest also means the participant’s declaration that it does not threaten or infringe the rights of third parties, in particular does not infringe their economic and personal copyrights, and that the participant has the consent of the persons whose images have been recorded in the works to use these images for the purpose of participate in this Contest. The participant is responsible for all claims of third parties resulting from the violation of their rights.
  2. The provisions of the regulations are the sole basis for conducting the Contest, and their interpretation belongs to the organizer and the jury.
  3. Participation in the Contest is tantamount to accepting these rules.
  4. The organizer reserves the right to change the rules.

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