Central Comics

Banda Desenhada, Cinema, Animação, TV, Videojogos

BD: Top Vendas Comics (Janeiro 2013)

Superior Spider-Man O CC apresenta-vos a estimativa de vendas de comics e TPB´s vendidos no mercado directo em Janeiro de 2013.  Os números que apresentamos são estimativas baseadas nas informações providenciadas pela distribuidora Diamond Comics.[fbshare]

Estima-se que os 300 títulos tenham vendido 6,718,906 revistas com a Marvel a ter uma fatia de 43.85%.

Apesar da controvérsia, Superior Spider-Man #1 foi a revista mais vendida com 188,158 unidades vendidas, seguido do Batman #16 que vendeu 145,904 unidades.

Em termos de TPB´s os números são mais modestos. O top 300 de TPB´s vendeu 336,898 unidades. O Trade mais vendido foi o Fables  v18: Cubs in Toyland com 9,457 unidades vendidas.

Percentagem de vendas da DIAMOND


Share de mercado, por unidades

Share de mercado, por Dólares

MARVEL COMICS 40.23% 34.82%
DC COMICS 35.41% 31.61%
IMAGE COMICS 7.45% 8.19%
IDW PUBLISHING 3.92% 6.30%
BOOM! STUDIOS 1.55% 1.45%
AVATAR PRESS 0.73% 0.87%
RANDOM HOUSE 0.11% 0.55%
VIZ LLC 0.23% 0.55%
ONI PRESS INC. 0.20% 0.39%
BONGO COMICS 0.31% 0.30%
OTHER NON-TOP 20 1.56% 3.63%


TOP de vendas dos COMICS





Preço mínimo

Preço máximo

Preço médio

de vendas reportadas

de Dólares reportados

Percentagem de comics por unidades

Percentagem de comics por Dólares

Marvel Comics 74 11 85 $2.99 $7.99 $3.59 2,946,384 $10,865,592.16 43.85% 45.38%
DC Comics 83 1 84 $2.99 $4.99 $3.34 2,538,139 $8,644,446.61 37.78% 36.10%
Image Comics 32 2 34 $1.00 $9.99 $3.43 408,257 $1,333,448.82 6.08% 5.57%
IDW Publishing 27 1 28 $3.99 $4.99 $4.03 249,094 $1,004,886.06 3.71% 4.20%
Dark Horse 17 0 17 $2.99 $7.99 $3.67 191,447 $643,645.18 2.85% 2.69%
Dynamite Entertainment 21 0 21 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 131,955 $526,500.45 1.96% 2.20%
Boom! Studios 7 2 9 $1.00 $3.99 $3.66 77,554 $295,049.59 1.15% 1.23%
Valiant 5 0 5 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 67,300 $268,527.00 1.00% 1.12%
Avatar 6 0 6 $3.99 $3.99 $3.99 37,260 $148,667.40 0.55% 0.62%
Archie Comics 3 0 3 $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 21,724 $64,954.76 0.32% 0.27%
Zenescope Entertainment 3 0 3 $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 18,114 $54,160.86 0.27% 0.23%
Bongo Comics 3 0 3 $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 17,880 $53,461.20 0.27% 0.22%
United 1 0 1 $2.99 $2.99 $2.99 7,022 $20,995.78 0.10% 0.09%
Broadsword Comics 1 0 1 $2.95 $2.95 $2.95 6,776 $19,989.20 0.10% 0.08%

Legend: NI = New Items, RI = Reorder Items, TI = Total Items


TOP de vendas dos TRADES





Preço Minino

Preço Máximo

Preço médio

de vendas reportadas

de Dólares reportados

Percentagem de Trades por unidades

Percentagem de Trades por Dólares

DC Comics 26 61 87 $12.99 $99.99 $21.38 112,426 $2,311,847.74 33.37% 31.63%
Image Comics 13 29 42 $9.99 $100.00 $18.99 81,491 $1,318,334.74 24.19% 18.04%
Marvel Comics 42 38 80 $7.99 $75.00 $31.79 77,018 $2,057,596.56 22.86% 28.15%
Dark Horse 13 11 24 $10.99 $49.99 $21.24 19,445 $403,369.33 5.77% 5.52%
IDW Publishing 13 5 18 $17.99 $112.50 $35.91 13,251 $572,397.26 3.93% 7.83%
Boom! Studios 4 1 5 $14.99 $19.99 $15.99 3,910 $61,070.90 1.16% 0.84%
Hachette Book Group/Yen Press 4 0 4 $11.99 $16.99 $13.24 3,651 $47,135.49 1.08% 0.64%
Zenescope Entertainment 3 0 3 $15.99 $15.99 $15.99 3,406 $54,461.94 1.01% 0.75%
Archie Comics 3 1 4 $9.99 $19.99 $13.49 3,109 $42,588.91 0.92% 0.58%
Dynamite Entertainment 4 1 5 $16.99 $19.99 $19.39 2,921 $55,891.79 0.87% 0.76%
Fantagraphics Books 3 1 4 $19.99 $39.99 $32.50 2,391 $79,406.22 0.71% 1.09%
ONI Press 1 3 4 $11.99 $24.99 $20.49 1,897 $39,322.03 0.56% 0.54%
Top Shelf 1 3 4 $19.95 $35.00 $24.96 1,738 $42,608.25 0.52% 0.58%
Valiant 1 0 1 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 1,656 $16,543.44 0.49% 0.23%
Bongo Comics 1 1 2 $14.95 $15.99 $15.47 1,516 $23,823.80 0.45% 0.33%
Udon Entertainment 1 0 1 $34.95 $34.95 $34.95 1,119 $39,109.05 0.33% 0.54%
Random House 0 2 2 $20.00 $50.00 $35.00 1,046 $35,860.00 0.31% 0.49%
VIZ 2 0 2 $9.99 $14.99 $12.49 1,035 $12,154.65 0.31% 0.17%
First Second 2 0 2 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 942 $16,946.58 0.28% 0.23%
Avatar 1 0 1 $19.99 $19.99 $19.99 733 $14,652.67 0.22% 0.20%
Ape Entertainment 0 1 1 $6.99 $6.99 $6.99 609 $4,256.91 0.18% 0.06%
Heroic Publishing 1 0 1 $49.99 $49.99 $49.99 450 $22,495.50 0.13% 0.31%
Eros Comix 1 0 1 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 388 $3,876.12 0.12% 0.05%
Antarctic Press 1 0 1 $10.99 $10.99 $10.99 384 $4,220.16 0.11% 0.06%
Humanoids 1 0 1 $79.95 $79.95 $79.95 366 $29,261.70 0.11% 0.40%





Ranking por quantidade







Vendas Estimadas

Número anterior

Estimativa do Número anterior


Delta %


1 128.96 $3.99 MAR Superior Spider-Man (2013) 1 188,158 0
2 100.00 $3.99 DC Batman (2011) 16 145,904 15 151,561 -5,657 -3.73% 0
3 80.67 $3.99 DC Justice League (2011) 16 117,704 15 115,069 2,635 2.29% 0
4 79.69 $3.99 MAR New Avengers (2013) 1 116,265 0
5 77.13 $3.99 MAR Superior Spider-Man (2013) 2 112,531 1 188,158 -75,627 -40.19% 0
6 70.26 $3.99 MAR Savage Wolverine (2013) 1 102,517 0
7 64.36 $3.99 MAR Uncanny Avengers (2012) 3 93,905 2 114,268 -20,363 -17.82% 5
8 63.25 $3.99 DC Detective Comics (2011) 16 92,288 15 106,390 -14,102 -13.26% 0
9 63.16 $3.99 MAR Avengers (2012) 3 92,153 2 99,023 -6,870 -6.94% 2
10 59.06 $3.99 MAR Uncanny X-Force (2010) 1 86,176 3
11 56.94 $3.99 MAR Avengers (2012) 4 83,077 3 92,153 -9,076 -9.85% 1
12 55.85 $2.99 DC Batman and Robin (2011) 16 81,483 15 89,874 -8,391 -9.34% 0
13 54.96 $3.99 MAR All New X-Men (2012) 6 80,185 5 75,997 4,188 5.51% 0
14 54.43 $3.99 MAR New Avengers (2013) 2 79,423 1 116,265 -36,842 -31.69% 0
15 52.09 $3.99 MAR All New X-Men (2012) 5 75,997 4 86,672 -10,675 -12.32% 0
16 49.95 $2.99 DC Green Lantern (2011) 16 72,875 15 74,360 -1,485 -2.00% 2
17 49.66 $2.99 DC Batgirl (2011) 16 72,461 15 75,337 -2,876 -3.82% 0
18 48.83 $2.99 MAR Young Avengers (2013) 1 71,245 0
19 48.33 $2.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) 106 70,517 105 57,778 12,739 22.05% 0
20 47.73 $2.99 DC Nightwing (2011) 16 69,634 15 74,404 -4,770 -6.41% 0
21 43.67 $2.99 DC Teen Titans (2011) 16 63,718 15 68,704 -4,986 -7.26% 0
22 42.59 $2.99 DC Aquaman (2011) 16 62,145 15 75,943 -13,798 -18.17% 0
23 41.01 $3.99 MAR Captain America (2012) 3 59,828 2 64,374 -4,546 -7.06% 0
24 40.86 $2.99 DC Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) 16 59,613 15 64,100 -4,487 -7.00% 0
25 40.73 $3.99 MAR Indestructible Hulk (2012) 3 59,423 2 63,650 -4,227 -6.64% 0
26 40.19 $3.99 DC Action Comics (2011) 16 58,637 15 61,295 -2,658 -4.34% 0
27 39.92 $2.99 DC Batman: The Dark Knight (2011) 16 58,250 15 60,566 -2,316 -3.82% 0
28 39.10 $2.99 MAR Deadpool (2012) 4 57,054 3 60,212 -3,158 -5.24% 1
29 35.80 $4.99 DC Batman and Robin (2011) Annual 1 52,237 0
30 35.47 $3.99 MAR Cable and X-Force (2012) 3 51,754 2 57,716 -5,962 -10.33% 0
31 34.88 $3.99 MAR Iron Man (2012) 5 50,892 4 56,705 -5,813 -10.25% 0
32 34.85 $2.99 DC Earth 2 (2012) 8 50,853 7 54,406 -3,553 -6.53% 0
33 34.69 $2.99 DC Superman (2011) 16 50,614 15 51,223 -609 -1.19% 0
34 34.65 $2.99 MAR Fantastic Four (2012) 3 50,548 2 58,418 -7,870 -13.47% 0
35 34.59 $3.99 MAR Thor God of Thunder (2012) 4 50,471 3 55,544 -5,073 -9.13% 0
36 34.50 $2.99 DC Batman Incorporated (2012) 7 50,338 6 52,633 -2,295 -4.36% 0
37 32.96 $3.99 MAR A Plus X (2012) 4 48,085 3 56,697 -8,612 -15.19% 0
38 31.27 $2.99 IMA Saga (2012) 9 45,623 8 42,322 3,301 7.80% 0
39 31.10 $2.99 DC Green Lantern Corps (2011) 16 45,381 15 47,839 -2,458 -5.14% 1
40 30.64 $3.99 MAR Wolverine and X-Men (2011) 24 44,710 23 43,957 753 1.71% 0
41 30.34 $2.99 MAR Thunderbolts (2012) 3 44,266 2 50,895 -6,629 -13.02% 0
42 30.22 $2.99 DC Flash (2011) 16 44,087 15 45,923 -1,836 -4.00% 0
43 30.17 $3.99 DC Before Watchmen: Minutemen (2012) 6 44,021 5 47,625 -3,604 -7.57% 0
44 30.13 $3.99 MAR Wolverine and X-Men (2011) 23 43,957 22 45,656 -1,699 -3.72% 0
45 30.07 $2.99 MAR Morbius the Living Vampire (2013) 1 43,877 0
46 30.00 $2.99 DC Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) 16 43,764 15 45,134 -1,370 -3.04% 0
47 29.51 $3.99 DC Before Watchmen: Ozymandias (2012) 5 43,057 2
48 28.99 $3.99 DC Before Watchmen: Dollar Bill (2013) 1 42,303 0
49 28.67 $4.99 DC Green Lantern Corps (2011) Annual 1 41,831 0
50 28.17 $2.99 MAR FF (2012) 3 41,103 2 46,094 -4,991 -10.83% 0
51 27.48 $2.99 DC Wonder Woman (2011) 16 40,100 15 41,639 -1,539 -3.70% 0
52 27.32 $3.99 IMA Invincible (2003) 100 39,858 99 15,565 24,293 156.07% 1
53 27.18 $2.99 DAR Star Wars (2013) 1 39,658 0
54 26.36 $2.99 MAR Avengers Arena (2012) 3 38,456 2 43,012 -4,556 -10.59% 0
55 26.19 $2.99 DC Red Lanterns (2011) 16 38,218 15 39,069 -851 -2.18% 0
56 25.82 $2.99 MAR X-Men Legacy (2012) 4 37,668 3 45,405 -7,737 -17.04% 0
57 25.36 $2.99 MAR Hawkeye (2012) 7 36,995 6 33,438 3,557 10.64% 2
58 25.20 $2.99 MAR Deadpool Killustrated (2013) 1 36,766 0
59 25.13 $4.99 DC Green Lantern: New Guardians (2011) Annual 1 36,669 0
60 24.74 $2.99 MAR Daredevil (2011) 22 36,097 21 40,957 -4,860 -11.87% 0
61 24.68 $3.99 MAR Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man (2011) 19 36,012 18 36,942 -930 -2.52% 0
62 23.86 $2.99 MAR X-Men Legacy (2012) 5 34,819 4 37,668 -2,849 -7.56% 1
63 23.37 $2.99 DC Batwoman (2011) 16 34,098 15 34,962 -864 -2.47% 0
64 23.24 $2.99 DC Catwoman (2011) 16 33,911 15 35,018 -1,107 -3.16% 0
65 22.11 $2.99 DC Swamp Thing (2011) 16 32,258 15 33,915 -1,657 -4.89% 0
66 21.26 $3.99 MAR Avengers Assemble (2012) 11 31,023 10 34,033 -3,010 -8.84% 1
67 21.18 $2.99 DC Talon (2012) 4 30,905 3 31,530 -625 -1.98% 0
68 20.83 $2.99 DC Worlds Finest (2012) 8 30,395 7 32,008 -1,613 -5.04% 0
69 20.80 $2.99 DC Supergirl (2011) 16 30,346 15 30,813 -467 -1.52% 0
70 20.78 $2.99 DC Animal Man (2011) 16 30,318 15 32,012 -1,694 -5.29% 0
71 20.10 $3.99 MAR Secret Avengers (2010) 36 29,326 35 30,754 -1,428 -4.64% 0
72 20.09 $3.99 DC Threshold (2013) 1 29,308 0
73 19.90 $3.99 MAR Avenging Spider-Man (2011) 16 29,028 15 28,239 789 2.79% 0
74 19.54 $3.99 MAR X-Men (2010) 40 28,511 39 29,325 -814 -2.78% 0
75 19.03 $3.99 MAR Daredevil: End of Days (2012) 4 27,766 3 29,272 -1,506 -5.14% 0
76 18.58 $2.99 DC Superboy (2011) 16 27,106 15 27,618 -512 -1.85% 0
77 18.54 $2.99 DC Suicide Squad (2011) 16 27,057 15 57,129 -30,072 -52.64% 0
78 18.44 $2.99 DC Justice League Dark (2011) 16 26,899 15 27,711 -812 -2.93% 0
79 17.76 $2.99 MAR Scarlet Spider (2012) 13 25,916 12 26,651 -735 -2.76% 0
80 17.55 $3.99 MAR Ultimate Comics: Ultimates (2011) 20 25,610 19 26,970 -1,360 -5.04% 0
81 17.24 $3.99 MAR Astonishing X-Men (2004) 58 25,156 57 26,262 -1,106 -4.21% 0
82 16.89 $2.99 MAR Venom (2011) 29 24,641 28 25,572 -931 -3.64% 0
83 16.82 $2.99 MAR Venom (2011) 30 24,548 29 24,641 -93 -0.38% 0
84 16.49 $3.99 MAR Wolverine Max (2012) 3 24,055 2 27,220 -3,165 -11.63% 6
85 16.35 $2.99 MAR Punisher War Zone (2012) 3 23,860 2 25,470 -1,610 -6.32% 4
86 16.24 $4.99 DC Superboy (2011) Annual 1 23,691 0
87 16.09 $3.99 MAR Ultimate Comics: X-Men (2011) 21 23,476 20 24,788 -1,312 -5.29% 0
88 15.91 $2.99 DAR Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 9 (2011) 17 23,216 16 23,895 -679 -2.84% 0
89 15.89 $2.99 DC Birds of Prey (2011) 16 23,179 15 24,025 -846 -3.52% 0
90 15.76 $2.99 MAR Punisher War Zone (2012) 4 22,990 3 23,860 -870 -3.65% 1
91 15.67 $2.99 MAR Winter Soldier (2012) 14 22,870 13 23,950 -1,080 -4.51% 0
92 15.54 $3.99 DC Legends of the Dark Knight (2012) 4 22,668 3 25,709 -3,041 -11.83% 0
93 15.43 $2.99 MAR X-Factor (1986) 250 22,518 249 21,210 1,308 6.17% 0
94 15.35 $2.99 MAR Gambit (2012) 8 22,393 7 23,977 -1,584 -6.61% 0
95 14.31 $2.99 MAR Journey Into Mystery (2011) 648 20,884 647 22,513 -1,629 -7.24% 0
96 14.21 $3.99 DC Injustice Gods Among Us (2013) 1 20,730 0
97 13.98 $3.99 BOO Adventure Time (2012) 12 20,404 11 10,979 9,425 85.85% 0
98 13.78 $3.99 MAR First X-Men (2012) 5 20,108 4 21,932 -1,824 -8.32% 4
99 13.64 $2.99 DC Phantom Stranger (2012) 4 19,900 3 21,039 -1,139 -5.41% 0
100 13.63 $2.99 DC Green Arrow (2011) 16 19,885 15 20,671 -786 -3.80% 0
101 13.27 $2.99 MAR Secret Service 5 19,362 4 21,749 -2,387 -10.98% 23
102 13.18 $2.99 MAR Dark Avengers (2012) 185 19,226 184 20,583 -1,357 -6.59% 0
103 13.12 $2.99 MAR Captain Marvel (2012) 9 19,148 8 19,969 -821 -4.11% 0
104 12.98 $2.99 MAR Dark Avengers (2012) 186 18,935 185 19,226 -291 -1.51% 0
105 12.89 $2.99 MAR Red She-Hulk (2012) 61 18,813 60 20,797 -1,984 -9.54% 0
106 12.80 $3.99 MAR Marvel Universe vs Avengers 4 18,679 3 19,354 -675 -3.49% 0
107 12.72 $2.99 MAR Age of Apocalypse (2012) 11 18,553 10 19,336 -783 -4.05% 0
108 12.55 $3.99 IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Secret Foot Clan 1 18,313 2
109 12.51 $3.99 DC All Star Western (2011) 16 18,252 15 19,189 -937 -4.88% 0
110 12.29 $3.99 MAR Punisher Nightmare 1 17,930 0
111 12.24 $2.99 DC Masters of the Universe Origin of He Man 1 17,864 0
112 12.23 $3.99 DC Smallville Season 11 9 17,843 8 18,632 -789 -4.23% 0
113 11.96 $3.99 DC Batman Beyond Unlimited 12 17,444 11 18,088 -644 -3.56% 0
114 11.92 $2.99 IMA Revival 6 17,394 5 14,099 3,295 23.37% 0
115 11.77 $2.99 IMA Spawn 227 17,170 226 16,812 358 2.13% 3
116 11.63 $3.99 MAR Ultimate Comics: Iron Man (2012) 4 16,965 3 18,991 -2,026 -10.67% 0
117 11.52 $2.99 IMA Spawn 226 16,812 225 26,875 -10,063 -37.44% 5
118 11.41 $3.99 MAR Punisher Nightmare 2 16,647 1 17,930 -1,283 -7.16% 0
119 11.38 $3.99 VAL X-O Manowar (2012) 9 16,597 8 14,461 2,136 14.77% 0
120 11.37 $2.99 DC JSA Liberty Files the Whistling Skull (2012) 2 16,591 1 21,369 -4,778 -22.36% 0
121 11.31 $2.99 DC Fairest (2012) 11 16,496 10 16,918 -422 -2.49% 0
122 11.30 $2.99 DC Legion of Super Heroes (2011) 16 16,494 15 16,911 -417 -2.47% 0
123 11.27 $2.99 DC He Man and the Masters of the Universe 6 16,439 5 16,857 -418 -2.48% 0
124 11.17 $3.99 MAR Punisher Nightmare 3 16,293 2 16,647 -354 -2.13% 0
125 11.04 $2.99 DC Batman Arkham Unhinged 10 16,111 9 17,219 -1,108 -6.43% 0
126 10.95 $2.99 DC Fables (2002) 125 15,981 124 16,017 -36 -0.22% 0
127 10.92 $3.99 MAR Punisher Nightmare 4 15,928 3 16,293 -365 -2.24% 0
128 10.80 $3.99 IDW Star Trek Countdown to Darkness 1 15,751 -1
129 10.64 $2.99 MAR X-Treme X-Men (2012) 9 15,527 8 16,535 -1,008 -6.10% 0
130 10.55 $3.99 DE Masks 3 15,394 2 16,922 -1,528 -9.03% 1
131 10.54 $3.99 MAR Punisher Nightmare 5 15,379 4 15,928 -549 -3.45% 0
132 10.30 $2.99 DC Ravagers (2012) 8 15,028 7 16,176 -1,148 -7.10% 0
133 10.22 $2.99 DC Team 7 (2012) 4 14,917 3 15,380 -463 -3.01% 0
134 10.05 $2.99 DC Dial H (2012) 8 14,670 7 16,216 -1,546 -9.53% 0
135 10.01 $2.99 DAR Angel and Faith 18 14,607 17 15,025 -418 -2.78% 0
136 9.88 $2.99 DC Stormwatch (2011) 16 14,409 15 15,436 -1,027 -6.65% 0
137 9.77 $3.50 IMA Bedlam (2012) 3 14,249 2 18,585 -4,336 -23.33% 5
138 9.71 $2.99 DC Demon Knights (2011) 16 14,166 15 15,151 -985 -6.50% 0
139 9.59 $3.99 DC Sword of Sorcery (2012) 4 13,993 3 13,751 242 1.76% 0
140 9.39 $3.99 MAR Fury Max 8 13,701 7 14,344 -643 -4.48% 0
141 9.26 $2.99 DC Legion Lost (2011) 16 13,510 15 14,004 -494 -3.53% 0
142 9.20 $2.99 DC Frankenstein, Agent of Shade (2011) 16 13,427 15 15,704 -2,277 -14.50% 0
143 9.20 $2.99 DC Batwing (2011) 16 13,425 15 14,673 -1,248 -8.51% 0
144 9.17 $2.99 DAR Buffy the Vampire Slayer Spike 5 13,383 4 14,423 -1,040 -7.21% 5
145 9.13 $3.99 VAL Shadowman (2012) 3 13,325 2 16,916 -3,591 -21.23% 0
146 9.08 $3.50 DAR Conan the Barbarian 12 13,252 11 13,435 -183 -1.36% 0
147 9.03 $3.99 IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Secret Foot Clan 2 13,178 1 18,313 -5,135 -28.04% 0
148 8.97 $3.99 DC Arrow (2012) 3 13,088 2 15,779 -2,691 -17.05% 0
149 8.90 $3.99 MAR Dark Tower Gunslinger Sheemies Tale 1 12,983 1
150 8.81 $2.99 DC Savage Hawkman (2011) 16 12,850 15 13,563 -713 -5.26% 0
151 8.79 $3.99 VAL Harbinger (2012) 8 12,822 7 12,782 40 0.31% 0
152 8.74 $2.99 DC Deathstroke (2011) 16 12,756 15 13,527 -771 -5.70% 0
153 8.74 $3.99 IDW Doctor Who Prisoners of Time 1 12,750 1
154 8.69 $2.99 IMA Chew 31 12,685 30 12,757 -72 -0.56% 0
155 8.66 $3.99 VAL Archer and Armstrong (2012) 6 12,640 5 14,543 -1,903 -13.09% 0
156 8.56 $3.99 DC Ame Comi Girls (2012) 4 12,486 3 13,184 -698 -5.29% 0
157 8.44 $2.99 DC I, Vampire (2011) 16 12,308 15 12,845 -537 -4.18% 0
158 8.33 $3.99 IDW Judge Dredd 3 12,149 2 13,994 -1,845 -13.18% 0
159 8.23 $3.99 DE Shadow 9 12,008 8 13,779 -1,771 -12.85% 6
160 8.22 $2.99 DC DC Universe Presents (2011) 16 11,999 15 12,560 -561 -4.47% 0
161 8.17 $3.99 VAL Bloodshot (2012) 7 11,916 6 12,507 -591 -4.73% 0
162 7.87 $2.99 DC Blue Beetle (2011) 16 11,486 15 11,743 -257 -2.19% 0
163 7.81 $2.99 IMA Mara 2 11,396 1 18,163 -6,767 -37.26% 0
164 7.79 $2.99 DC Fury of Firestorm, the Nuclear Men (2011) 16 11,360 15 11,997 -637 -5.31% 0
165 7.69 $2.99 DAR Star Wars Agent of the Empire Hard Targets 4 11,221 3 11,390 -169 -1.48% 2
166 7.54 $4.99 IDW Magic the Gathering Path of Vengeance 2 11,001 1 11,411 -410 -3.59% 7
167 7.52 $3.99 BOO Adventure Time (2012) 11 10,979 10 23,658 -12,679 -53.59%
168 7.45 $3.99 IDW Doctor Who (2012) v3 4 10,864 3 11,276 -412 -3.65% 4
169 7.27 $2.99 MAR Avenging Spider-Man (2011) 15.1 * 10,601
170 7.21 $2.99 IMA Clone 3 10,524 2 11,144 -620 -5.56% 0
171 7.15 $3.50 DAR BPRD Hell On Earth Abyss Time 5 10,436 0
172 7.06 $3.50 DAR BPRD 1948 4 10,304 3 10,451 -147 -1.41% 0
173 7.00 $2.99 DC Grifter (2011) 16 10,209 15 10,923 -714 -6.54% 0
174 6.99 $3.50 DAR Massive 8 10,205 7 10,853 -648 -5.97% 0
175 6.94 $3.50 IMA Legend of Luther Strode 2 10,127 1 12,432 -2,305 -18.54% 0
176 6.84 $7.99 MAR Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 700 * 9,987 0
177 6.81 $3.99 IDW Transformers Robots in Disguise Ongoing 13 9,934 11 10,286 -352 -3.42% -2
178 6.76 $3.99 IDW Transformers Regeneration One 87 9,860 86 10,037 -177 -1.76% 0
179 6.72 $3.99 IDW Mars Attacks Transformers (One Shot) 9,804 -1
180 6.48 $3.99 BOO Bravest Warriors 4 9,450 3 10,229 -779 -7.62% -3
181 6.41 $3.99 DE Game of Thrones 12 9,358 11 10,282 -924 -8.99% 15
182 6.39 $2.99 DC Hellblazer (1988) 299 9,328 298 9,132 196 2.15% 0
183 6.39 $1.00 IMA Image Firsts Walking Dead 1 * 9,326
184 6.38 $3.99 BOO Deathmatch 2 9,314 1 35,758 -26,444 -73.95% 0
185 6.13 $3.99 IDW Mars Attacks Kiss (One Shot) 8,945 -2
186 6.02 $2.99 IMA Mind the Gap 7 8,783 6 9,486 -703 -7.41% 5
187 5.97 $2.99 ARC Sonic the Hedgehog 244 8,715 243 8,760 -45 -0.51% 1
188 5.96 $3.99 IDW Mars Attacks Real Ghostbusters (One Shot) 8,694 0
189 5.90 $3.99 IDW My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic (2012) 1 * 8,604
190 5.85 $2.99 MAR Alpha Big Time (2012) 0.1 8,533
191 5.80 $2.99 DC Unwritten (2009) 45 8,464 44 8,532 -68 -0.80% 1
192 5.71 $3.99 IDW Transformers Spotlight Thundercracker 1 8,326 2
193 5.59 $2.99 DC Human Bomb (2012) 2 8,151 1 11,211 -3,060 -27.29% 0
194 5.52 $4.99 DC Sweet Tooth 40 8,052 39 7,325 727 9.92% 5
195 5.47 $2.99 DAR Ghost 3 7,980 2 9,025 -1,045 -11.58% 5
196 5.45 $2.99 MAR Marvels Iron Man 3 Prelude 1 7,950 0
197 5.40 $2.99 IMA Todd the Ugliest Kid On Earth 1 7,878 0
198 5.40 $4.99 DC Joe Kubert Presents 4 7,875 3 8,897 -1,022 -11.49% 0
199 5.34 $3.99 AVA Crossed Badlands 21 7,793 20 8,461 -668 -7.90% 0
200 5.25 $2.99 IMA Witchblade 163 7,654 162 8,098 -444 -5.48% 3
201 5.24 $3.99 BOO Adventure Time Fionna and Cake 1 * 7,643
202 5.22 $3.99 IDW Godzilla Ongoing 8 7,622 7 7,689 -67 -0.87% 3
203 5.20 $3.99 AVA Crossed Badlands 22 7,588 21 7,793 -205 -2.63% 0
204 5.17 $3.99 IDW GI Joe a Real American Hero 186 7,543 185 7,777 -234 -3.01% 0
205 5.17 $3.99 IDW Kiss 7 7,538 6 7,867 -329 -4.18% 3
206 5.14 $3.99 DE Pathfinder 4 7,501 3 8,681 -1,180 -13.59% 3
207 5.13 $2.99 IMA Non Humans 2 7,488 1 11,221 -3,733 -33.27% 9
208 5.10 $3.99 IDW GI Joe (2011) v2 21 7,444 20 7,575 -131 -1.73% 0
209 5.09 $2.99 IMA Nowhere Men 3 7,420 2 7,368 52 0.71% 1
210 5.04 $2.99 DC Superman Family Adventures 9 7,356 8 7,487 -131 -1.75% 0
211 4.93 $3.99 IDW Godzilla Ongoing 9 7,193 8 7,622 -429 -5.63% 0
212 4.90 $2.99 DC Young Justice 24 7,154 23 7,200 -46 -0.64% 0
213 4.90 $2.99 DC Insurgent (2013) 1 7,142 0
214 4.89 $3.99 MAR Road to Oz 4 7,133 3 7,620 -487 -6.39% 0
215 4.81 $3.99 IDW Mars Attacks Zombies vs Robots (One Shot) 7,023 3
216 4.81 $2.99 UNI Spongebob Comics 16 7,022 15 7,196 -174 -2.42% -3
217 4.80 $3.99 DE Warlord of Mars Dejah Thoris 21 6,997 20 7,555 -558 -7.39% 7
218 4.79 $3.99 DAR Black Beetle 1 6,992 0
219 4.77 $2.99 DC Lot 13 4 6,956 3 7,551 -595 -7.88% 0
220 4.74 $2.99 IMA Black Kiss II 6 6,920 5 7,044 -124 -1.76%
221 4.65 $2.99 ARC Sonic Universe 48 6,790 47 6,837 -47 -0.69% 0
222 4.65 $2.99 ZEN Wonderland 7 6,778 6 7,242 -464 -6.41% 1
223 4.64 $2.95 BRO Tarot Witch of the Black Rose 78 6,776 77 7,174 -398 -5.55% 0
224 4.63 $3.99 DE Bionic Man vs Bionic Woman 1 6,752 1
225 4.52 $2.99 BON Simpsons Comics 198 6,592 197 6,779 -187 -2.76% -2
226 4.45 $3.99 AVA Lady Death 25 6,497 24 6,762 -265 -3.92% -1
227 4.42 $3.99 IDW High Ways 1 6,452 0
228 4.37 $3.99 IDW Cobra Ongoing 21 6,374 19 6,669 -295 -4.42% -1
229 4.36 $3.99 MAR All New X-Men (2012) 3 * 6,362 0
230 4.31 $2.99 IMA Saga (2012) 7 * 6,295
231 4.29 $2.99 DC Saucer Country 11 6,255 10 6,608 -353 -5.34% 1
232 4.28 $3.99 IDW True Blood Ongoing 8 6,250 7 6,850 -600 -8.76% 3
233 4.26 $2.99 ARC Mega Man 21 6,219 20 6,351 -132 -2.08% 0
234 4.25 $3.99 MAR Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 698 * 6,194 0
235 4.24 $2.99 DAR Eerie Comics 2 6,183 1 9,213 -3,030 -32.89% 0
236 4.21 $2.99 ZEN Grimm Fairy Tales 81 6,149 80 6,508 -359 -5.52% -1
237 4.19 $3.99 DE Kevin Smith Bionic Man 15 6,114 14 7,124 -1,010 -14.18% 12
238 4.19 $3.99 IDW Crow Skinning the Wolves 2 6,107 1 7,883 -1,776 -22.53% 0
239 4.17 $2.99 BON Futurama Comics 65 6,090 64 6,436 -346 -5.38% 0
240 4.17 $3.99 AVA Fashion Beast 5 6,080 4 6,639 -559 -8.42% -2
241 4.12 $3.99 MAR All New X-Men (2012) 4 * 6,011 0
242 4.12 $2.99 IMA End Times of Bram and Ben 1 6,008 0
243 4.08 $2.99 IMA Repossessed 1 5,951 0
244 4.07 $3.99 IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics 7 5,943 6 6,472 -529 -8.17% -1
245 4.07 $3.99 BOO Peanuts v2 5 5,941 4 6,555 -614 -9.37% -1
246 4.05 $3.99 MAR Castle a Calm Before Storm 2 5,910 1 7,174 -1,264 -17.62% 2
247 4.03 $3.50 IMA Hack Slash 23 5,880 22 5,860 20 0.34%
248 4.02 $3.50 IMA Hack Slash 22 5,860 21 5,940 -80 -1.35%
249 3.96 $2.99 IMA Witch Doctor Malpractice 3 5,775 2 6,673 -898 -13.46% 0
250 3.83 $5.99 IMA Infinite Vacation 5 5,586 4 6,076 -490 -8.06% 86
251 3.83 $3.50 IMA Comeback 3 5,585 2 5,933 -348 -5.87% 0
252 3.82 $3.99 IMA Prophet 33 5,573 32 5,642 -69 -1.22% 0
253 3.82 $3.99 IDW Borderlands Origins 3 5,571 2 5,040 531 10.54% 1
254 3.75 $3.99 IMA Artifacts 24 5,477 23 5,708 -231 -4.05% 6
255 3.74 $3.99 DE Garth Ennis Jennifer Blood 21 5,458 20 5,933 -475 -8.01% 7
256 3.71 $3.99 DAR Emily and the Strangers 1 5,408 0
257 3.61 $2.99 DC Green Lantern the Animated Series 10 5,262 9 5,464 -202 -3.70% 0
258 3.59 $3.99 DE Prophecy 6 5,236 5 5,734 -498 -8.69% 8
259 3.58 $2.99 IMA Guarding the Globe (2012) 5 5,224 4 5,628 -404 -7.18% 1
260 3.58 $3.99 DE Damsels 5 5,220 4 5,851 -631 -10.78% 3
261 3.56 $2.99 BON Bart Simpson Comics 79 5,198 78 5,376 -178 -3.31% -1
262 3.56 $2.99 ZEN Grimm Fairy Tales Sleepy Hollow 4 5,187 3 5,393 -206 -3.82% 1
263 3.54 $3.99 DE The Spider 8 5,169 7 5,571 -402 -7.22% -1
264 3.53 $3.99 MAR Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 699 * 5,143 0
265 3.52 $3.99 DE Lord of the Jungle 11 5,140 10 6,259 -1,119 -17.88% 12
266 3.52 $3.99 MAR Avengers (2012) 2 * 5,133 0
267 3.51 $9.99 IMA Invincible (2003) 100 5,121 99 15,565 -10,444 -67.10% 1
268 3.50 $2.99 MAR Daredevil (2011) 21 * 5,111 0
269 3.49 $2.99 MAR Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 699.1 * 5,098
270 3.48 $2.99 MAR Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider Man 10 5,076 9 5,235 -159 -3.04% 0
271 3.47 $2.99 MAR Marvels Thor Adaptation 1 5,067 0
272 3.47 $3.99 DE The Lone Ranger 12 5,058 11 5,216 -158 -3.03% 5
273 3.44 $3.99 DE Lord of the Jungle 12 5,015 11 5,140 -125 -2.43% 11
274 3.42 $3.99 IDW Hollows 2 4,987 1 9,303 -4,316 -46.39% -1
275 3.41 $3.99 DC Batman (2011) 13 * 4,975
276 3.39 $2.99 MAR Marvel Universe Avengers Earths Heroes 10 4,950 9 5,207 -257 -4.94% 0
277 3.39 $7.99 DAR Dark Horse Presents 20 4,948 19 5,123 -175 -3.42% 0
278 3.34 $3.99 IDW Popeye 9 4,874 8 4,866 8 0.16% -2
279 3.34 $2.99 IMA Darkness 110 4,868 109 4,961 -93 -1.87% 7
280 3.30 $1.00 BOO Deathmatch 1 * 4,813 0
281 3.27 $3.99 AVA Ferals 12 4,774 11 5,045 -271 -5.37% -2
282 3.27 $3.99 DAR Mind Mgmt 7 4,765 5 5,017 -252 -5.02% 0
283 3.26 $3.99 DE Green Hornet 33 4,754 32 5,217 -463 -8.87% 15
284 3.24 $2.99 DC Scooby Doo Where Are You 29 4,728 28 4,879 -151 -3.09% 0
285 3.22 $3.99 DE Flash Gordon Zeitgeist 9 4,694 8 5,182 -488 -9.42% 27
286 3.18 $2.99 MAR Deadpool (2012) 2 * 4,635
287 3.16 $2.99 IMA Change 2 4,603 1 6,439 -1,836 -28.51% 0
288 3.14 $3.99 DE Jennifer Blood First Blood 3 4,582 2 5,150 -568 -11.03% 8
289 3.13 $3.99 DAR Answer 1 4,571 0
290 3.10 $3.99 AVA Caligula Heart of Rome 2 4,528 1 5,055 -527 -10.43% -2
291 3.10 $3.99 BOO Hellraiser Road Below 4 4,520 3 4,921 -401 -8.15% -1
292 3.08 $3.99 DE Army of Darkness Ongoing 8 4,497 5 5,463 -966 -17.68% 15
293 3.08 $3.99 BOO Steed and Mrs Peel (2012b) 4 4,490 2 5,725 -1,235 -21.57%
294 3.01 $3.99 DE Bionic Woman 7 4,392 6 4,960 -568 -11.45% 17
295 2.99 $3.99 IMA Savage Dragon 184 4,365 183 4,604 -239 -5.19% 19
296 2.99 $3.99 DE Army of Darkness Ongoing 9 4,360 8 4,497 -137 -3.05% 14
297 2.97 $2.99 MAR Deadpool (2012) 1 * 4,329
298 2.96 $3.50 DAR Strain 10 4,318 8 4,977 -659 -13.24% 0
299 2.92 $3.50 IMA Hell Yeah 6 4,262 5 5,872 -1,610 -27.42% 1
300 2.92 $3.99 DE Battlefields 3 4,256 2 4,966 -710 -14.30% 2



Ranking por quantidade





Vendas Estimadas

Total de Vendas Estimadas

1 6.48 $16.99 DC Fables (2002) v18: Cubs in Toyland 9,457 9,457
2 5.86 $9.99 IMA Saga (2012) v1 8,545 8,545
3 5.70 $9.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v1: Days Gone Bye 8,317 8,317
4 4.54 $7.99 MAR Silver Surfer By Stan Lee and Moebius #1 6,630 6,630
5 4.48 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v2: Miles Behind Us 6,540 6,540
6 4.06 $24.99 DC Justice League (2011) v2: The Villains Journey 5,918 5,918
7 3.54 $16.99 DC Justice League (2011) v1: Origin 5,164 5,164
8 3.25 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v3: Safety Behind Bars 4,735 4,735
9 3.19 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v17: Something to Fear 4,661 4,661
10 2.97 $16.99 DC Animal Man (2011) v2: Animal vs Man 4,331 4,331
11 2.95 $16.99 IMA Invincible (2003) v17: Whats Happening 4,301 4,301
12 2.36 $16.99 DC Northlanders v7: The Icelandic Trilogy 3,450 3,450
13 2.34 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v4: Hearts Desire 3,421 3,421
14 2.32 $22.99 DC Wonder Woman (2011) v2: Guts 3,391 3,391
15 2.27 $14.99 DC Wonder Woman (2011) v1: Blood 3,319 3,319
16 2.17 $22.99 DC Batwoman (2011) v2: To Drown the World 3,162 3,162
17 2.05 $17.99 MAR Avengers vs X Men Consequences 2,994 2,994
18 1.93 $14.99 DC Batwoman (2011) v1: Hydrology 2,823 5,693
19 1.93 $24.99 MAR Carnage Minimum Carnage 2,818 2,818
20 1.86 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v5: Best Defense 2,718 2,718
21 1.83 $29.99 IMA One Trick Off Deep Cuts 2,671 2,671
22 1.64 $14.99 DAR Star Wars Blood Ties v2: Boba Fett Is Dead 2,400 2,400
23 1.64 $24.99 DC Batman (2011) v1: The Court of Owls 2,396 29,053
24 1.59 $14.99 DC Batman the Dark Knight Golden Dawn 2,322 2,322
25 1.57 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v6: Sorrowful Life 2,288 2,288
26 1.43 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v7: The Calm Before 2,091 2,091
27 1.37 $95.00 IDW Gil Kane Amazing Spider Man Artist Ed 2,003 2,003
28 1.37 $16.99 DC War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath 2,000 2,000
29 1.36 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v16: A Larger World 1,985 1,985
30 1.35 $24.99 DC Books of Magic Deluxe Edition 1,969 1,969
31 1.33 $19.99 DC Showcase Presents Weird War Tales v1 1,942 1,942
32 1.32 $14.99 BOO Adventure Time (2012) v1 1,925 1,925
33 1.32 $17.99 DC Batman the Killing Joke 1,922 89,574
34 1.31 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v8: Made to Suffer 1,917 1,917
35 1.31 $24.99 MAR Dark Tower Gunslinger Man in Black 1,909 1,909
36 1.28 $14.99 DC Batman Chronicles v11 1,867 1,867
37 1.27 $14.99 DC Green Arrow (2011) v2: Triple Threat 1,854 1,854
38 1.24 $24.99 MAR Spider Man Ends of Earth 1,807 1,807
39 1.23 $14.99 IMA Manhattan Projects v1: Science Bad 1,798 9,275
40 1.23 $19.99 DC Global Frequency 1,794 1,794
41 1.22 $14.99 DC Batman Through the Looking Glass 1,773 1,773
42 1.21 $24.99 MAR Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman v5 1,771 1,771
43 1.16 $19.99 DC Batman Dark Knight Returns 1,695 82,441
44 1.13 $9.99 VAL Harbinger (2012) v1: Omega Rising 1,656 1,656
45 1.11 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v9: Here We Remain 1,625 1,625
46 1.11 $16.99 DC Culling Rise of the Ravagers 1,619 1,619
47 1.10 $19.99 MAR Ultimate Comics Ultimates By Hickman v2 1,612 1,612
48 1.10 $19.99 MAR Oz Dorothy and Wizard in Oz 1,607 1,607
49 1.10 $24.99 DC Batman Hush Complete 1,600 45,513
50 1.10 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v10: What We Become 1,600 1,600
51 1.09 $59.99 IMA Walking Dead Compendium v2 1,585 14,711
52 1.08 $19.99 DC Saga of the Swamp Thing v3 1,583 1,583
53 1.05 $24.99 DAR Star Wars Omnibus Infinities 1,528 1,528
54 1.04 $34.99 MAR Avengers Assemble By Bendis 1,522 1,522
55 1.04 $19.99 DAR Conan v12: Throne of Aquilonia 1,518 1,518
56 1.04 $24.99 MAR Ult Comics Spider Man By Bendis v3 1,511 1,511
57 1.02 $19.99 MAR Secret Avengers By Rick Remender v1 1,491 1,491
58 1.01 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v11: Fear the Hunters 1,478 1,478
59 1.00 $15.99 ZEN Alice in Wonderland 1,465 1,465
60 1.00 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v15: We Find Ourselves 1,462 1,462
61 0.98 $24.99 DC JLA v3 1,431 1,431
62 0.95 $11.99 HAC Black Butler v12 1,387 1,387
63 0.95 $19.99 DC Superman Last Son of Krypton 1,384 1,384
64 0.94 $19.99 MAR Ultimate Comics X Men By Nick Spencer v2 1,369 1,369
65 0.93 $19.99 MAR Wolverine and X Men Alpha and Omega 1,364 1,364
66 0.93 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v14: No Way Out 1,359 1,359
67 0.93 $19.99 DC Sandman v1: Preludes and Nocturnes 1,352 21,858
68 0.93 $24.99 MAR X Women 1,352 1,352
69 0.92 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v13: Too Far Gone 1,349 1,349
70 0.91 $39.99 MAR Guardians of Galaxy v1: Tomorrows Avengers 1,330 4,099
71 0.91 $24.99 DC Batman the Long Halloween 1,329 52,527
72 0.90 $14.99 IMA Chew v6: Space Cakes 1,317 6,953
73 0.90 $22.99 DC Batman Earth One 1,315 46,995
74 0.90 $19.99 MAR Marvel Universe End 1,313 1,313
75 0.89 $19.99 MAR Dark Tower Gunslinger Little Sisters of Eluria 1,300 1,300
76 0.88 $14.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v12: Life Among Them 1,287 1,287
77 0.88 $19.99 MAR Defenders By Matt Fraction v2 1,286 1,286
78 0.87 $15.99 ZEN Wonderland v1 1,264 1,264
79 0.87 $19.99 MAR Essential X Men v11 1,263 1,263
80 0.85 $19.99 DC Watchmen 1,245 272,190
81 0.84 $14.99 MAR Deadpool Kills Marvel Universe 1,229 8,368
82 0.84 $14.99 DC Batman Year One 1,228 52,828
83 0.84 $12.99 DC Green Lantern the Animated Series 1,226 1,226
84 0.84 $24.99 DC Justice League (2011) v1: Origin 1,223 18,371
85 0.83 $11.99 ARC Sonic Universe v4: Journey to the East 1,216 1,216
86 0.82 $24.99 MAR Wolverine Sabretooth Reborn 1,195 1,195
87 0.80 $19.99 IDW Transformers Regeneration v1 1,164 1,164
88 0.80 $19.99 MAR X Men Blank Generation 1,162 1,162
89 0.78 $14.99 IMA Fatale v1: Death Chases Me 1,139 10,199
90 0.78 $12.99 IMA Revival v1: You’Re Among Friends 1,138 4,577
91 0.77 $17.99 DAR Robert E Howards Savage Sword v1 1,129 1,129
92 0.77 $24.99 DAR Conan v13: Queen of the Black Coast 1,128 1,128
93 0.77 $35.00 FAN Prince Valiant v6: 1947 1948 1,123 1,123
94 0.77 $34.95 UDO Super Street Fighter v1 1,119 1,119
95 0.76 $15.99 BON Simpsons Comics Supernova 1,115 1,115
96 0.76 $29.99 MAR Fear Itself Fearless 1,106 1,106
97 0.75 $34.99 IMA Walking Dead (2003) v2 1,092 1,092
98 0.75 $19.99 DC Superman Earth One v1 1,091 8,697
99 0.75 $22.99 DC Superman Earth One v2 1,088 24,939
100 0.74 $19.99 MAR Dark Avengers End Is Beginning 1,083 1,083
101 0.74 $11.99 HAC Soul Eater v12 1,081 1,081
102 0.74 $19.99 MAR Captain Marvel Death of Captain Marvel 1,077 1,077
103 0.74 $112.50 IDW Mad Artist Ed 1,074 1,074
104 0.72 $19.99 DC V for Vendetta New Edition 1,052 22,229
105 0.71 $69.99 MAR Marvel Masterworks Ka Zar v1 1,040 1,040
106 0.71 $12.99 DC Fables (2002) v1: Legends in Exile 1,038 1,038
107 0.70 $24.99 MAR Marvel Masterworks Doctor Strange v2 1,028 1,028
108 0.70 $29.99 MAR Mighty Thor Jim Everything Burns 1,019 1,019
109 0.69 $34.99 MAR X Men Mutant Massacre 1,006 1,006
110 0.68 $24.99 MAR Captain America By Ed Brubaker v4 989 989
111 0.68 $9.99 IMA Chew v1 988 41,507
112 0.67 $59.99 DC Batman Dark Knight Archives v8 981 981
113 0.67 $39.99 MAR Ultimate Comics Divided We Fall United We Stand 979 979
114 0.67 $14.99 DAR Dragon Age v2: Those Who Speak 974 974
115 0.66 $24.99 MAR Civil War 969 96,086
116 0.66 $14.99 DC Y the Last Man v1: Unmanned 968 78,829
117 0.66 $10.99 DAR Oreimo v2 966 966
118 0.65 $99.99 DC Absolute Batman and Robin Batman Reborn 952 952
119 0.64 $19.99 IDW Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures v3 941 941
120 0.63 $14.99 MAR Captain Marvel (2012) v1: In Pursuit of Flight 925 3,276
121 0.63 $19.99 MAR Stand v5: No Mans Land 925 925
122 0.63 $39.99 DC Adventures of Superman Gil Kane 924 924
123 0.63 $29.99 DC Batman Knightfall v1 917 8,415
124 0.63 $19.99 DAR Creepy Comics At Deaths Door 912 912
125 0.63 $21.99 IDW Cape 1969 912 912
126 0.62 $29.99 MAR Nova Classic v1 911 911
127 0.62 $14.99 IMA Spawn Origins v17 907 907
128 0.61 $24.99 DC Gears of War v3 894 894
129 0.61 $29.99 MAR Wolverine Old Man Logan 887 21,622
130 0.60 $14.99 MAR Journey Into Mystery (2011) v4: Manchester Gods 882 882
131 0.60 $9.99 IMA Prophet v1: Remission 878 5,709
132 0.60 $10.99 DAR Avatar Last Airbender v1: Promise Part 1 876 16,935
133 0.60 $17.99 IDW Popeye v1 876 876
134 0.60 $14.99 MAR Wolverine Not Dead Yet 875 875
135 0.59 $9.99 MAR Mu Avengers Earths Heroes v2 861 861
136 0.57 $16.99 DE Dejah Thoris and the White Apes of Mars 833 833
137 0.57 $19.99 ARC Archie the Married Life v3 825 825
138 0.56 $29.99 MAR Gambit Classic v2 819 819
139 0.55 $15.99 DAR Reset 806 806
140 0.55 $39.99 IDW Comics About Cartoonists 797 797
141 0.54 $14.99 DC Nightwing (2011) v1: Traps and Trapezes 786 6,697
142 0.54 $24.99 MAR Iron Man By Joe Quesada 786 786
143 0.53 $17.99 DC Superman Red Son 779 37,102
144 0.53 $17.99 DC Preacher v1: Gone to Texas New Edition 774 36,684
145 0.53 $75.00 MAR Avengers vs X Men Cheung Avx 774 774
146 0.51 $19.99 IDW Locke and Key v3: Crown of Shadows 750 5,804
147 0.51 $14.99 IMA Thief of Thieves v1 749 5,702
148 0.51 $19.99 MAR Captain America Land of Free 748 748
149 0.51 $17.99 DC Kingdom Come 742 40,350
150 0.50 $19.99 AVA Dan the Unharmable v1 733 733
151 0.50 $10.99 DAR Avatar Last Airbender v3: Promise Part 3 725 8,614
152 0.49 $19.99 MAR Avengers Mythos 714 2,177
153 0.48 $17.99 DC Arkham Asylum Anniversary Edition 706 35,057
154 0.48 $19.99 DC Sandman v2: The Dolls House 704 12,676
155 0.47 $49.99 DAR Eerie Archives v12 691 691
156 0.47 $54.99 MAR Marvel Masterworks Amazing Spider Man v5 686 3,025
157 0.47 $14.99 BOO Fanboys vs Zombies v1 685 685
158 0.47 $19.99 DE The Spider v1: Terror of the Zombie Queen 683 683
159 0.46 $15.99 ZEN Irresistible 677 677
160 0.46 $16.99 HAC Brides Story v4 672 672
161 0.46 $9.99 VIZ Loveless v10 672 672
162 0.46 $14.99 DC Fairest (2012) v1: Wide Awake 666 666
163 0.45 $49.99 DAR Deva Zan 659 659
164 0.45 $24.99 MAR Avengers Academy Final Exams 652 652
165 0.45 $49.99 DAR Creepy Archives v15 650 650
166 0.44 $9.99 ARC Betty and Veronica Prom Princesses 644 644
167 0.43 $22.99 DC Batman Detective Comics v1: Faces of Death 625 10,777
168 0.43 $14.99 DC Transmetropolitan v1: Back On the Street 623 24,932
169 0.42 $19.99 DC Blackest Night 619 19,288
170 0.42 $19.99 DC Joker 617 65,532
171 0.42 $24.99 ONI Scott Pilgrim Color v1 616 7,058
172 0.42 $6.99 APE Strawberry Shortcake v3: Field Day and Other Stories 609 1,152
173 0.42 $19.99 DC Batman Dark Victory 606 18,066
174 0.42 $19.99 DC Hellblazer (1988) v1: Original Sins 606 606
175 0.41 $17.99 IDW Star Trek the Next Generation Doctor Who Assimilation v1 605 4,394
176 0.41 $24.99 MAR Fantastic Four Reunited They Stand 600 600
177 0.41 $15.99 MAR Daredevil By Mark Waid v1 592 6,645
178 0.40 $10.99 DAR Avatar Last Airbender v2: Promise Part 2 590 11,123
179 0.40 $14.99 DC Red Hood and the Outlaws (2011) v1: Redemption 583 4,852
180 0.40 $17.99 IDW GI Joe Cobra Son of the Snake 578 578
181 0.39 $24.99 DC Batman a Death in the Family 576 5,882
182 0.39 $14.99 MAR Deadpool (2012) v1: Secret Invasion 572 957
183 0.39 $17.99 IDW Crow Midnight Legends v3: Wild Justice 566 566
184 0.39 $12.99 IMA Walking Dead Survivors Guide 566 6,732
185 0.38 $17.99 DC Preacher v4: Ancient History New Edition 559 7,742
186 0.38 $19.99 DE Boys v12: Bloody Doors Off 559 6,277
187 0.38 $22.99 DC Aquaman (2011) v1: The Trench 558 7,171
188 0.38 $24.99 MAR Generation X Classic v2 557 557
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